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On 31/08/17 20:23, bunk3m wrote:
Hi all,

I downloaded the new release this morning via torrent.  When I started
the LO, LittleSnitch indicated that it tried to connect to

I checked out the sites and I can't figure out why LO would need to
connect there.

I thought it strange so I downloaded 5.4.1 again directly.

I overwrote the torrent version with the direct download version and
cleared all the LO rules in LittleSnitch.

In the direct download version there is no request to connect to these

Why does one version want to connect to these websites?

Is the torrent OK?
That's the way torrent downloads work. During a torrent download, you
will usually see connections to some 20 or 30 or more different servers
in almost as many different countries.

You will even find that you are re-uploading some files or parts of
files to others around the world.

With the right torrent software client, you will get a very nice image
of the world and a great picture of international cooperation.


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