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Sorry for not including the list in my reply last night.

As this list behaves differently to all the other OOo / LibO mailing lists I've been subscribed, I didn't use "reply all", but "reply", so my mail has only been sent to Thorsten...
--- original mail ---
Hi Yi Fan, Thorsten, all,

thanks for the reminder!

Thorsten Behrens schrieb:
> Yi Fan Jiang wrote:
>> The links here looks a bit strange with 'Beta' while we have been in RC phase for some while:
>> The word seems embedded in the picture...(from css)
> Hi Yifan,
> yep, good catch, this was reported as
> (I personally think it would be nice to change, but not an absolute
> necessity, as long as we're in rc phase).

Even if I thought, we would no longer need these buttons, when the Silverstripe LibreOffice website is online, I found out that this assumption is false: If we don't remove the download links from the website (or redirect the page to, these buttons will be visible and reached by our users.
Christoph Noack already provided an updated source file in his upload to 
the wiki:

The only thing I had to do was to export the download buttons to .png and upload them to the issue.
I don't know who is maintaining the foundation website at the moment 
(Michael, Thorsten, Christian?), so I can't ping them to update the 
graphics for the download buttons.
Best regards



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