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Hi all,

Build just finished
  LibreOffice 3.6.0alpha0+
Build ID: ba759d7-ebf1e88-87c767e-libreoffice-3-5

Jan Holesovsky wrote (07-01-12 04:34)

Show the page break tab under the mouse instead of the end of the line.
it does, but I cannot click on it. It disappears when the mouse moves over.

I hope / believe it is perfect now; or at least near to perfection :-)
Appearance of the blue markers is (close to perfect.
And also: they do not appear when the header/footer area just appears under a non moving mouse pointer.
It also seems to me that the appearing when you use keyboard to navigate
is gone too; but testing appreciated, of course.
In some corner cases, the blue dotted line is persistent for some time 
and shows in the middle of pages. Hard to pin that down - otherwise I 
would have done that earlier.
So - do we want to get it into 3.5? ;-)
Most seems great to me.


 - Cor


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