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Possibly, but again we cannot take sides. The bottomline is, Claudio
should have talked to us. Anyway, as for Colibre, my point is the same:
TDF deals and works with the Brazilian community as a whole, not with
one specific "church". So, if it's a name, a NGO, anything, we will
deal with the Brazilian community as a whole with the same respect and
rights, as well as the same duties that are vested unto any other


Le Wed, 11 May 2011 08:28:32 -0300,
luiz <> a écrit :

Sorry, Charles, but it's not just that Claudio was in the shadows. We
also have the David and Olivier there. And these two can not ignore
what was discussed in open our local listings. Another thing, I think
there is some confusion. Alta is a formal institution, from what I
see. Colibre,however, is not. It was just a name we wanted to give to
the Brazilian community to replace"Gubro (BrOffice Users Group),
which is a very interesting local project in the dissemination of the


Luiz Oliveira


This is just a comment from my side as you keep asking a question
that I feel I had answered before, but you believe I haven't, so
let me answer to the question again. It's about your question on
the North American LibreOffice DVD team and website and the
Brazilian one. 

Take a look at the two website. The NA LibreOffice DVD team has a
website that is focused on a DVD project, that encompasses multiple
languages. It is not a traditional "native-language" team, to use
the OOo parlance, and it does not try to even harbour the full
TDF / LO colours and logos. The NA DVD team has formed and debated
here, on this mailing lists and on others (website and discuss);
they did this in the open for everyone to see, the SC knew about
(or could not ignore it as it was happening here), and they were
generally very delicate about trademarks, using of terms, etc. 

I hope you understand the difference better now. Also, I would
like, as another general comment, to remind you and everyone that
Claudio is also part of the core team of TDF. I am surprised that
he hasn't been more active on this particular topic. That's just my
feeling, perhaps I'm wrong. TDF does not take sides, were it
between ALTA and Colibre. Frankly we can't, we shouldn't, we won't.
It's not our job. The situation is what it is, it's unfortunate,
but we want to deal with the Brazilian community as a whole. It's a
very tempting for you or others, to think TDF will take sides, even
"secretly". What TDF wants is to work and help the community work,
that's it. We're not interested in local fightings, and should I
need to write it again, the Brazilian community is most welcome
here. It is your home.



Charles-H. Schulz
Membre du Comité exécutif
The Document Foundation.

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