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On 10/15/2014 01:05 PM, Stefan Weigel wrote:

Am 15.10.2014 um 02:45 schrieb Bruce Byfield:

For example, LibreOffice is a fork
Not exactly.

For some people (including me) LibreOffice is the true, but it´s not allowed to use its original name. ;-)


I think having a different name is important, since we did a real lot of 
work to make OOo better for our initial release 4+ years ago.
We had no "baggage" of an older name pass down from company to company.  
We were able to make our own stand on what we could do as a "fork" or 
"child" of the code base that was OOo.  We showed that TDF was prepared 
to make the best version it could with its initial version[s] of an 
office suite based on OOo.  We did so well, that it looks to me that 
several of the other "forked" projects ended up "fading away" after 
people saw how well TDF/LO worked and how much was improved with the 
first few releases.
So I think not having the rights to may have been a 
blessing, not a bad thing.
Since I started with LO since its first "public" release version, I 
think we did all right.
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