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On 2015/04/27 23:28, Paul D. Mirowsky wrote:
See: for current driver.
Also "Difficulties starting LibreOffice (e.g. applications hang) as 
well as problems with the screen display are often caused by the 
graphics card driver. If these problems occur, please update your 
graphics card driver or try using the graphics driver delivered with 
your operating system. Difficulties displaying 3D objects can often be 
solved by deactivating the option "Use OpenGL" under 'Tools - Options 
- LibreOffice - View - 3D view'."

But watch out for:

While it may not necessarily be a 3D problem, graphics, as in display, may be tied together.
Hope this helps.

On 4/26/2015 6:55 AM, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:
On 2015/04/24 23:30, Paul D. Mirowsky wrote:
Try here:

On 4/23/2015 2:24 PM, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:
On 2015/04/23 23:06, Paul D. Mirowsky wrote:
Screen tearing issue with NVidia may be resolved by changing Vertical Sync to Adaptive.
Start video at  URL below at 40 seconds.

The video is from 2013 and may not quite match, but you get the idea.

Hope this helps.

Am I correct assuming, that this applies ONLY to NVidia graphic cards?
My computer has an "Intel HD Graphics 4600" and I cannot find anywhere a setting called "vertical sync"

Thank you.
That link helped me to understand the situation better AND how to get to the setting of my graphics card.
However, changing the settings related to "vertical sync", I believe 
I can choose between TWO, does NOT help.
The screen tearing still happens as before.

Now I have all that "super power" all over the place and still constantly have to switch between two LO documents (could not yet find the shortcut key for minimizing the window)
to be able to have a look at my text.

Is there anything else I could try?

Good evening from Japan
I do not want to be annoying, but ...
This "screen tearing" (or however it is called) happened (past tense) / happens ONLY with Writer. It did so on ALL computers (using both Windows and Linux) on which I have been using LibreOffice in the past.
It DOES NOT happen in Calc!
Neither does this happen with any other software.

Therefore, the theory about graphic driver, settings etc. somehow is not completely convincing. (Somehow I assume, that the new computer has the newest graphic driver installed.) Accordingly, I still would like to believe, that there must be a "Writer-specific" setting somewhere ....
Probably missing the "point" altogether

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