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From: andrea.olivotto
Sent: Monday, April 20, 2015 9:06 AM 
To: V Stuart Foote 
Subject: Rif: [libreoffice-users] Re: Writer 4.4, black backgroung & above
paragraph space
Thanks Stuart for your reply.
Anyway, the screenshot is not too much important, I hope the issue
description is clear.

Hope you can identify and solve the issue. This prevent us to upgrade to
the newer version of Writer.

Thanks in advance.
Yes there seems to be is a residual issue to work done for tdf#82661, but it
is a bit of a corner case

Have opened BZ issued  tdf#90744
<>   -- Paragraph
style with Area fill set Black incorrectly draws fill into Space Above

Please log-in and follow the BZ issue, make sure the test document I
provided matches your issue.

For now, if you simply *change the Area fill color* for your Title1 from
Black to any other color, I believe  you will have desired formatting.   Do
so from the Context menu "edit paragraph style", or from the Sidebar  ->
Styles and Formatting content panel and Modify the Title1  style object.


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