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Hi Bernhad,
Am 29.03.2011 22:07, schrieb Bernhard Dippold:
Hi Klaus-Jürgen,

As time becomes too short for any design decision, I move this
discussion back to the website list, because the banner should be
uploaded ASAP.

Please follow-up there...

I agree:

klaus-jürgen weghorn ol schrieb:

We only put the right banner for the next two days:
Removing the (more or less outdated) challenge banner seems to be

As DFD is tomorrow, we will not loose too many donations, when we only
provide a small banner for DFD.

But if we just want to show the small DFD banner, I think it is more
reasonable to use the official DFD banner instead of a I uploaded the
120x60px version from the DFD 2011 artwork page to our wiki:
Can one of our admins replace the current banner with the DFD banner
(moved to the right) ?

And remove it on Thursday, when DFD is over?

I'd prefer to have a "Keep on donating" banner there as well, but your
comment is reasonable:

The problem is: We should not decide about the banner in a fast way.
This banner (without the DFD but with the text) should be our banner
for the next time.
We must/want to change the current banner and develop a new.
So we should have only the DFD banner for tomorrow - and no banner at
all until we have created a new "Donate!"-Banner.
We can put the "old" banner back as long as we have no new banner.
Any comments, objections, better ideas (to be implemented in this very
short timeframe)?


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