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    thank you for your attention.
Well, i don't want to create or save a new custom layout, and i'd like to modify (in the sense of resize/move the default elements) them in my master slides. In other words, as in the posted figure, i'd like to apply an existing layout different from the "default" one (i.e. the one you get when you start to create a new presentation) on a master slide. However, even if the option is available, trying to apply any layout, the master slide's one does not change.

To be neater, now i can create a presentation and apply the layout i want as shown in the posted figure. It works. However, this does not works for master view, then i always need to directly apply the layouts directly on the presentation, and therefore i need to resize and re-move default objects to fit my presentation needs. My intention was to create a template which defines how to the layout elements should be, and then apply that slide master to the presentation slide i want.

Thank you in advance.

On 27/09/2012 16:37, J.A. de Vries wrote:
On 2012-09-27 15:56, Alessandro Ghidotti Piovan wrote:
Thank you very much for your attention.
I'm sorry but I think I was not been clear in my help request.
The problem is this:

I can't apply a layout (not style) to a master slide.
The default layout for master slides has only two text objects, one for
title and one for a bulleted list.
I want to apply a predefined style to have less or more text/graphics
objects, resize or move them, and finally create one master slide per
"type" on my template.
Then the idea is to apply the correct master on the presentation,
according to the templated defined before.

I didn't find any reference to this kind of works on the impress manual,
maybe i've not understood where i can find the way of proceed in the
"working with slide masters" section. can you give me some start point?
Hai Alessandro,

I am afraid what you want is not possible yet.

>From page 16 of the LibreOffice 3.5 Impress Guide:

"The layouts included in Impress are shown here. You can choose the one
you want and use it as it is, or you can modify it to meet your own
requirements. However, it is not possible to save custom layouts."

For the moment you will have to make do with the 16 predefined layouts
that come with Impress. Can't you select one of those an adjust the
elements to you liking?

>From page 27 of the LibreOffice 3.5 Impress Guide:

"Although Impress does not have the functionality to create new layouts,
it allows you to resize and move the layout elements."

Or does that not work either?

Grx HdV

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