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On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 1:22 PM, Andreas Säger <> wrote:
Am 14.01.2015 um 19:23 schrieb Wade Smart:
Ive stumbled into one of those totally frustrating things that you
cant see the reason for:

C65=countif(C3:C61, "Lt Blue")
E65=countif(E3:E61, "Lt Blue")
G65=sum(c65+e65) = 2

And what is wrong? (apart from the obsolete sum of an addition which
makes no difference)
Didnt know it was obsolete ... use it all the time.

Sorry, the result didnt paste ..
out of 50 results for say Lt Blue, its only showing 4.

But I found at least one problem.  Even though I copy and pasted
there is a space at the end of some of the names like "Lt Blue ".
Removing that space has helped a lot. Im guessing there could
be a space at the beginning of others.

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