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I'm pretty sure that defining colors yourself you will run into trouble.
For instance, if someone likes a colorful theme he or she might be used to
red on blue. Not to forget the mentioned hi-contrast theme. It's not clear
to me why reading system colors is such a problem (guess that is what
Stuart recommends).

2015-12-11 1:29 GMT+01:00 Joel Madero <>:

On 12/10/2015 10:45 AM, Christophe Strobbe wrote:
ially in the dark theme example
that you posted, the numbers and "ticks" on the ruler can become hard to
see. (I don't know if there is a Linux tool with which you can check
this. On Windows and Mac OS, you can try the Colour Contrast Analyser
from <>.)
If people with visual impairments don't use the kind of dark themes for
which you are reworking the ruler, then the issue is not relevant.
However, it is important to test the effect of the code on a desktop
with a high-contrast theme, e.g. "High Contrast Black" on Windows, to
make sure that there are no negative side effects. With my current
version of LibreOffice (still, I get pure white numbers and
ticks on a purely black ruler when using "High Contrast Black" or "High
Contrast #1" (on Windows 7); this behaviour should not change.
Interesting finding here. So in Linux this is not the case at all - I
get black on black. If I create an .msi with my patch are you willing to
install it to see what you get? I'm happy to do this as of course making
sure that it doesn't impact visually impaired people is an important

Warmest Regards,

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