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Okay, sorry if this reiterates anything we've said, but If anything, I would
purely just drop it from the logo entirely. If a mentioning of TDF is
required in artwork (like the splash screen), it could easily be thrown in
the corner or something. I feel TDF needs to be branded as the people/vendor
behind LibreOffice, not as the slogan of LibreOffice.

On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 8:04 AM, Nik <> wrote:

Note to all: long email, you may want to skip it and just check out these
if you have time;


Hi Bernhard!
I know I told you I'd be busy with my research but you keep raising
interesting topics that lure me back! =)
Besides, some /*very*/ important stuff is being decided right now, that if
I miss out on, I know it will never get changed again.
That is the way of Open-Source huh? like a big machine on rails that can
only go forward, not back =)

On 1/31/2011 9:12 AM, Bernhard Dippold wrote:

Do you think we can present this logo (or something similar) to the
Steering Committee as our Design Team proposal for an official logo of
LibreOffice for external use?

Comments? Critics? Improvements?

 If the possibility of /small/ changes are possible to the logo in this
context, can we take this opportunity to address some if its shortcomings?
I mean it is the *one symbol* that represents this WHOLE community and
It wouldn't entail major changes, but the longer we trudge on with an
"interim logo", the more certain I become that it will remain the *only*
logo tried.

I won't write a million words like I usually do, just a thousand =) ...
I'll try and explain in designs instead;
I've uploaded a deconstruction of the TDF-less logos here;
R01 was the centered original logo, R02 is what I think David was
suggesting (*bottom* aligned as /well/ as right-aligned).
But even with R02, the space between the icon and the text creates a "void"
and looks separated.
R03 is what I would recommend, I think the gap could decrease and because
the letter L has a good "corner" effect, it perfectly juxtaposes the icon
when aligned.
This way, the entire arrangement would look like one visual "block" which
is what you want; White space /around/ the logo, rather than /between/.

This image shows how the spacing may be causing the element to look

If we were feeling adventurous, I think small changes could really improve
the look of the current logo; (refer to R05)
- Clip the L so it is cut by the same gap which slices the paper icon: for
- Lighten the colours to mid-grey instead of dark-grey, this will still
print well and compliments the green better.
- Colour the "broken corner" of the paper icon to create a focal point that
leads the eye through the logo

I'm not sure giving the members "logos" is the entire solution because it
just creates many logo variations.
I think creating "badges" for community members with a non-TDF logo
/attached/ will send the right message without diluting the brand.
Because it suggests affiliation without suggesting ownership.
I think Charles mentioned this in an Email to the Design list (I've CC'ed
him), I was really excited by the prospect of making team badges,
but because I'm short on time, I've only got roughs (plenty of glitches). I
thought the topic could wait, but these are related things.

I thought we could create "shields" or "emblems" for our community. R07
shows "members" and "distributors" roughs only;

And they could be arranged in something like this way (R08);
This way it is not a logo, it is more like signage.

Right about now, you're probably hoping you hadn't asked for feedback
right?  I'm sorry =) ...
But let me know what you think, these are all embedded in my page now

I'm sorry I keep bringing this up, but I think it's necessary to discuss
and plan for this.
Most people will see our logo before they even try the software. We might
lose them before we even shake their hand.


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