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Hi Mark,

This may help, but I can only get you pointed in the right direction. I've used base for about 8 or 9 years, first in OO, and now in LibreOffice. Initially I setup all of the fields, and then imported the data. The fields were all case sensitive. About 5 or 6 years ago I ran across a setting for each field which makes the field non-case sensitive. I did that to all of my data bases. If I recall correctly, it needs to be applied to each field directly. You should be able to find help for that from Open Office. I'm sorry I don't remember the details.

On 09/28/2012 02:39 PM, Mark Stanton wrote:
Thanks for that Girvin.

In fact my query does have the quotes around field names.
I've included it at the bottom here.

I haven't noticed any difference between " ` " (backtick) or either
usual type of quotation mark either.

I appear to be using the MySQL JDBC driver, com.mysql.jdbc.Driver,
which *may* be new since I last ran this query, so it might be Java
causing the problem.

It'll get to the top of my todo list eventually ;-)

Mark Stanton
One small step for mankind...

SELECT LTRIM( CONCAT( `people`.`Title`, ' ',
         LTRIM( `people`.`Firstname` ), ' ',
         LTRIM( `people`.`Surname` ) ) ) AS `PersonName`,
     `people`.`PersonId`, `issues`.`iId` AS `iiID`, `issues`.`Issue`,
   `people`.`LastIssue`, `subscription`.`iId` AS `subiId`,
`subscription`.`Type`, `subscription`.`AdType`,
`subscription`.`Delivery`, `subscription`.`Issues`,
`subscription`.`StartingAt`, `address`.`Company` AS `Co`,
`Address1` AS `Address1`, `Address2`, `Address3`, `City`,
     LTRIM( `Area` ) AS `Area`, `Country`, `PostalCode`,
     `sent`.`iId` AS `SendId`, `sent`.`NumberSent`,
     LEFT( `textvalues`.`Text`, 1 ) AS `Text`,
     LastIssue=Issue AND Type=2 AS RenewalDue
FROM `people`
JOIN `subscription` ON `people`.`iId` = `subscription`.`iPeopleId`
JOIN `sent` ON `sent`.`iSubId` = `subscription`.`iId`
JOIN `issues` ON `sent`.`iIssueId` = `issues`.`iId`
JOIN `address` ON `people`.`iId` = `address`.`iParentId`
JOIN `textvalues` ON `textvalues`.`Id` = `subscription`.`Type`
WHERE `issues`.`Issue` = '74' AND `sent`.`sent` = 0 AND
     `Delivery` = 1 AND `textvalues`.`Field` = 'CBOSUBTYPE'
ORDER BY `FirstName`, `Surname`


Don C. Myers
Manager, Farm and Rural Property Division
e-PRO Certified by the National Association of Realtors
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*RE/MAX Centre Realty
**1375 Martin Street, State College, PA 16803*
Office Phone: 814-231-8200 Fax: 814-231-8220
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