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Congratulations, this demonstrates the power of community. Viva LibreOffice
and freedom.


On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 11:43 AM, Florian Effenberger <> wrote:

Thousands of donors contribute €50,000 in just eight days to The Document

LibreOffice Community accomplishes next major milestone
Ongoing donations to support marketing, infrastructure and development

The Community around LibreOffice, the free personal productivity suite, has
accomplished the next major milestone in establishing The Document
Foundation as a legal entity. In just eight days, some 2,000 donors from all
over the world contributed €50,000 for the capital stock necessary to set-up
the legal entity in Germany.

"We still can't believe it," says Florian Effenberger, Steering Committee
member. "It happened in such a short period of time and was beyond our
wildest expectations. You all really rock! On behalf of the Community, the
Steering Committee would like to thank all the donors for their generous

The €50,000 collected will form the Foundation's paid-up capital, ensuring
a permanent future for the organization after the legal paperwork is
complete, based in Germany. The capital will be frozen assets for the
Foundation: the funds cannot be spent, and we will be able to avail just the
annual interest. All money donated from now on will actually bankroll our
ongoing running costs for things such as marketing, hardware,
infrastructure, attending trade shows, initial financing of merchandising
material and, of course, developing new and exciting ideas.

"So we still need your support: Every donation helps to pay for our future
operational running," Effenberger adds.

Details on how to donate to The Document Foundation and how the money will
be spent are available at

Information about LibreOffice can be found at
The home of The Document Foundation is at

About The Document Foundation

The Document Foundation has the mission of facilitating the evolution of
the LibreOffice community into a new, open, independent, and meritocratic
organization over the next few months. An independent Foundation is a better
reflection of the values of our contributors, users and supporters, and will
enable a more effective, efficient and transparent community. TDF will
protect past investments by building on the achievements of the first
decade, will encourage wide participation within the community, and will
co-ordinate activity across the community.

Media Contacts

Florian Effenberger (Germany)
Mobile: +49 151 14424108 - E-mail:
Olivier Hallot (Brazil)
Mobile: +55 21 88228812 - E-mail:
Charles H. Schulz (France)
Mobile: +33 6 98655424 - E-mail:
Italo Vignoli (Italy)
Mobile: +39 348 5653829 - E-mail:

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