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On Sat, 2011-05-14 at 15:51 -0400, planas wrote:
On Sat, 2011-05-14 at 15:19 -0400, Marc Paré wrote:

Le 2011-05-14 14:11, planas a écrit :

An idea I have is to approach state or local governments about using
FOSS when possible, not just LO but LO would be part of the package. The
idea based on the maturity of some of the major Linux distros for the
average user to use effectively. In Georgia the collapse of the real
estate bubble has hit hard state wide and very hard in some the
metropolitan regions.

Jay Lozier

Something to keep in mind is that some government levels require that 
"accessibility" issues be addressed with software. I don't believe 
LibreOffice has covered all of these yet sufficiently enough for some of 
these levels.


Are accessibility issues normally addressed by the OS? I know Ubuntu and
derivatives (I believe other Linux distros) have the ability for the
user to start accessibility features on login. It would certainly be
easier to have the OS handle than for a mishmash of application
Yes and no - the OS, or third party tools, run external to the
application, but the application can do things that either help or
hinder the successful use of those tools.

In the case of LibreOffice Linux is rather good support, Windows not
quite so. But that said, I'm a bit behind on actually understanding
where the application is right now with regard to A11y issues.

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