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On Sun, 20 Oct 2019 21:07:26 -0400, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak <> wrote:

Tested using LO on Fedora Linux.

I wanted to find all instances of Italic text using the API and select 
that text. I created a simple document with four areas that were Italic. 
I used the following macro and, although FindAll does return all italic 
text, it only selects the last three instances and not the first one.

My example had two instances in normal text and two instances in a text 

If I have more than once instance, it ignores the first. If I have ONLY 
one instance of Italic text, it will select the text.

Sub FindItalic_all
   Dim oDescriptor  'The search descriptor
   Dim oFound       'The found range
   Dim SrchAttributes(0) as new

   SrchAttributes(0).Name = "CharPosture"
   SrchAttributes(0).Value =
'  SrchAttributes(0).Name = "CharFontName"
'  SrchAttributes(0).Value =  "Comic Sans MS"

   oDescriptor = ThisComponent.createSearchDescriptor()

   oFound = ThisComponent.findAll(oDescriptor)

'  Dim i As Integer
'  for i = 0 To oFound.Count - 1
'    Print oFound.getByIndex(i).getString(i)
'  Next
End Sub


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