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On 07/08/2017 05:56 AM, MICHAEL HELY wrote:
I am having trouble with this suite.   Normally I have been able to open, amend, and save a 
document without any problem.    However, in the last week or so I can only open a document in 
read-only form.   To change the contents I have to open a copy for editing, save that under a 
different name, delete the original, and then rename the new document to fit in with my filing 
system.     This is time consuming, and very inconvenient.
The only event that I can identify as a possible cause is that about the same time there was an 
automatic update to Windows 10, and there might be some incompatablity between the updated Windows 
and LibreOffice.    (I have since installed the latest update to LibreOffice5, but to no avail;  
the problem is still there).    However that is only a wild guess!     I would be grateful for your 
advice and a remedy
M. Hely

I have not done this with Windows, but I know it works with Linux.

I would look into the "config" folder. If some configuration value is set wrong, like opening as read-only instead of editable, you will need to have LibreOffice restore the config files to their default status. When LibreOffice installs, it creates certain folders. If some of these folders are renamed, LibreOffice will try to replace them on its startup.
"Users/timothy/Application Data/LibreOffice/4/user/config"

In this folder location, "timothy" will be replaced with your user name that you log into Windows 10 with.
What you should try is renaming the "config" folder to something like 
"config-backup". Then open LibreOffice.  See if the read-only issue is 
fixed.  If not, then it is some other folder than the config folder.
I know there was a simple set of documentation describing the specific 
folder that may need to be "renamed", but I do not remember its location 

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