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Thank you Pedro Rosmaninho for your appreciation and also to all community members.
For whom may it want to see my splash screen proposal for 7 release 
here's the link:

On 09/12/19 05.17, William Gathoye (LibreOffice) wrote:
Hello everyone,

On 20/11/2019 10:31, Pedro Rosmaninho wrote:
I would love to see the splash screen designed by Rizal being used.
Do you have a link leading to Rizal's propositions?

Also, from my side, even if I know we won't be changing the artwork
before version 7, the sooner we can get rid of the current triangle
artwork, the better.

 From the LibreOfficeFR channel, I have received lots of complain about
them. Don't forget the splashscreen loader is the very first image
someone installing/launching LibreOffice for the first will see.

Heiko, I know we spoken in person about this topic at the last FOSDEM,
but I remember during these 6.x series, there was some open contest
about the artwork and unfortunately the one we didn't want to have has
been chosen (the triangle version). This time, better to restrict the
final choice to the community. I have worked in a startup for 5 years
where some communication work was being made and the client always ended
up choosing the solution that shouldn't be used/the least appealing :(


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