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On Sun, 2011-04-24 at 14:05 -0430, Daniel Gonzalez wrote:
On 04/12/2011 08:02 AM, Daniel Gonzalez wrote:
Hi all

I wonder if there are any process to validate a LUG or TDF Group 
LibreOffice users in a given country.

Venezuela is being born in a group of users after Flisol LibreOffice 
Caracas and one of the questions that we asked is whether the stand we 
had and the group that was building had approval by TDF. So far there 
hispanic community encompassing all Spanish-speaking countries but I 
think it is necessary to jump to something more localized due to local 
activities that may be generated in each country.



Hi Guys

Sorry to insist on this thread, but I think it is very important to the 
community in general LibreOffice
Hi All,

I believe that is correct.


I also think that the best way to integrate the Hispanic community in 
our case

-Use the local user groups in each country to attract people to 
government projects as "The Hispanic Community LibreOffice"
-Centralize the efforts and resources around TDF through local user groups.
-Use existing resources supported by TDF such as mailing lists, irc 
channel, forums, wiki, among others.
"The local user groups must not use existing resources and approved by TDF

PS: I know no other person particularly in Venezuela that LibreOffice 
collaborating on the project, this can occur for many reasons.

1 .- Do not know how to collaborate in the project LibreOffice.
2 .- Do not want to collaborate.
3 .- Do not know about LibreOffice.
4 .- many others.

Is that local user groups in each country can be a great benefit to the 
community Global LibreOffice
My offering here would be to not emphasis the national aspect so much,
which is to say that a group could be at a national level in some
places, however I can see places where could be multiple groups active
within a nation, or a group that encompassed more then one national

The key is the people - you say that there is no other person in
Venezuela active promoting/support LibO/TDF - but I'm not sure declaring
a Venezuela User Group is the only option, perhaps you would be best
served by focusing on an even smaller region, your city or province
(state, not sure the term there). I can't, nor can anyone, really answer
that question directly for you.

My opinion is that a team, or a group, to be call itself such requires
more then one person. So one person can say - Hey I want to start a
team/local group, and start trying to recruit other like minded
individuals to join in with you. If the idea as merit there will be
others found, but on a pragmatic note you have to assume you, the person
trying to organize the team, is going to be doing most everything your
self at first.

anyway - I only wanted to comment on that one point - this idea of local
teams being national based, looking at a broad policy I would not
necessarily, or at all, use that as a basis, I think some places that
would happen.

@Daniel, I'll back up and comment on some of your other points in
further emails.



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