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On 08/20/2015 08:54 PM, Aurelius Octavian wrote:
My little Java program uses Libreoffice's (Openoffice's) API named UNO
to talk to an installation of the new Libreoffice Version 5 (

Under Ubuntu Linux, the Java programs runs in a 64-Bit Java Virtual
Machine (JVM) and happily talks via UNO to Libreoffice 64-Bit to use
some Libreoffice functions.

However under Windows (64-Bit) with a Libreoffice 64-Bit installation,
when I use a 64-Bit JVM to run the same Java program, it results in a
Libreoffice error message (i.e. it's not a Java-UNO error) saying
something like:
"Libreoffice 5.0 : The application can't be started. An internal error

(Freely translated from my localised error message which is:
„Libreoffice 5.0 : Die Anwendung kann nicht gestartet werden. Ein
interner Fehler ist aufgetreten.“ )

So under Windows I've to fall back to a 32-Bit JVM and a Libreoffice
32-Bit installation. Then I can use the very same Java program in a
32-Bit JVM to talk with Libreoffice 32-Bit.

However, I'd very much like to use a 64-Bit JVM under Windows, too. Is
this possible somehow with the new Libreoffice 64-Bit for Windows?
It should work.  My best bet would be to use the Depends tool to trace 
execution of your Java program and the processes spawned from it, and 
see whether there is anything going wrong at the DLL-finding level that 
causes the spawned soffice.bin to fail.
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