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----- "Laurent Godard" <> a écrit :


Is it intentional that if you open a read-only document (for
from a browser), then you can't edit it (can't delete sheets for
example), but the icon is still there and you can add new sheets?
Well, I guess it's not consistent with OOo's behaviour regarding read-only files, but this 
behaviour (i.e. limiting the actions you can perform on the file) has many drawbacks from a UX 
point of view (I can elaborate on this point if it's not obvious  see
 So, apparently, from a technical point of view, when you add a feature, you have to add extra code 
to specify that the feature should not be accessible in ReadOnly mode. If that's the case, it would 
be a good example of unnecessary additional complexity to the code and one more good reason to 
change the behaviour to something simpler.

you always can "save as ..." under a new name after doing some
just my opinion
Mine also ;-)



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