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Hi there,

On Fri, 2012-03-16 at 07:03 +0400, wrote:
I'm trying to build LibreOffce 3.5 and 3.5.1 from source, but build always
failed with i18npool project. I'm using parallel build. Same build script
compiles 3.4.5 and older versions. Tested with x86 and x86_64 machine. GCC
4.5.2. Making with -j1 in i18npool wokks, but automatic building whole 
        Wow - that is bad :-) so - of course, we'd love to fix that properly.
Do you get a core-dump that can be analysed ? which tool crashes ? can
you do:

        $ ulimit -c unlimited

        and reproduce the problem, then poke at the result of running 'strings'
on the core-dump (or whatever means you like) to work out what went
wrong and where ?

with -j1 takes very long time. Can anybody confirm this? What
additional information is needed?
        As above would be good, and yes -j1 is really not ideal :-) I wonder
what is causing that.

        Are you certain you have the latest gnumake version 3.82 ? there are
known bugs in older versions :-)

        Thanks !


--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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