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On Thu Sep 30 2010 07:50:26 GMT-0700 (PDT)  Erich Christian wrote:
Hi Andy,

I've downladed your win-iso to have a closer look and in case you are
curious here's a possible link to ours

We'd prefer to stay with a GUI but make it way easier to handle and
customize. Of course also on our disks the big cleanup is comin' up.
There are many weblinks on the disks but we want to offer complete
offline functionality and content as far as possible, so they got an
icon to make it easy to tell the difference.

The DVD provides all installers and developer tools incl. source, a
live-version of the GUI is online here

and here's a list of mirrors for all actually available disks

We'd appreciate coordinating our work for future plans in case you're
interested in and in doing something new - we are  :-)

Thanks Erich.  I have added to my todo list and will have a look.  I am 
always interested in trying new and better things.  I am only a 
distributor and not the person in charge so it would only be a local 
thing for me.
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