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Hi Caolán, *,

On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 11:10 AM, Caolán McNamara <> wrote:
On Thu, 2012-02-02 at 09:26 +0100, Jan Holesovsky wrote:
On 2012-02-01 at 22:21 -0500, Kohei Yoshida wrote:
This is only the filter detection code (if I'm not mistaken?), and as
such, I think this should still remain there, until we kill binfilter
for good; we still use the import functionality, and for that we need
the filter detection.
binfilter has its *own* typedetection implementation, i.e.
binfilter/binfilterdetect/source/bindetect BinFilterDetect::detect so,
in theory at least, it self-contains what it needs to detect the formats
it imports. So you should be able to hack sc happily without caring
about it.
Hmm. Not sure whether I got you all correctly.
Are you saying that when binfilter is dropped/not shipped anymore, the
corresponding filter-selection is dropped as well? I.e. the user will
be presented with the "choose a filter" dialog for those old formats
instead of something like "those formats are no longer supported - use
<previous version> to convert them"?

Showing a filter dialog for formats where it is known that no filter
exists anymore is not really a nice experience for the user....



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