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At 4:20am -0500 Wed, 08 Dec 2010, Michael Meeks wrote:
On Wed, 2010-12-08 at 10:04 +0100, Alexander Thurgood wrote:
In countries where power supplies are intermittent, or irregular, it
matters a great deal. If your phone or electricity lines crap out part
way through the download, and you were on a pay-per-minute connection,
what would you do ? Risk downloading it, or go and obtain a pirated copy
of some other more freely available software suite ?
        Would you download a copy of that proprietary suite instead ? or would
you get it on CD ? Ultimately, I'd love to see some Ubuntu style ship-it
service to provide CDs to serve the 3rd world cheaply. As/when we have a
foundation and funding in place that seems like an obvious use of funds.
Would this be a suitable reason to offer the download as a torrent? 
Torrents recover well from disconnections, mis-passed bites, and other 
random download errors.  It still doesn't solve the bloat issue, but at 
least responds to both more distributed use of bandwidth and resiliency 
for long-running downloads.
We'd have to advertise it, of course, since the use of torrents is not, 
I think, 'mainstream' (per se).  In the long run, I'd prefer to have a 
torrent offering anyway.


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