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webmaster for Kracked Press Productions wrote:
The first Android "nasty" has been found, but it is spamware and things like that.
Mac had its first "nasty" a few months ago.

Linux is not immune but it is not worth the efforts of the hackers to do the heavy work for the different version of the Linux OS that we tend to use.
I've never claimed it was immune, but it's much more difficult for a 
variety of reasons.  Windows, while now improved considerably, was 
essentially a security sieve.  One significant cause was due to Micros~1 
tying IE to the base operating system, to back up their claims in court 
that it couldn't be removed.  This meant that a problem for IE became a 
problem for the OS.  Also, Windows users have often had to run with 
admin rights, in order to use their computers.  This gives malware full 
run of the system.  On the other hand, Linux users rarely do, so any 
damage will be confined.  There are several other reasons.
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