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On Fri, 2010-11-05 at 00:38 -0700, John LeMoyne Castle wrote:
Dang, I was hoping it would stop counting at least some punctuation as a
word.(period).  Don't know what to say other than test before and after. 
Just some random thought here: would you be able to write some unit
tests for this?

As a separate potential issue: 
In a fresh current dev build with AutoCorrect on for single & double quotes
the Apply While Typing modified them into the selected special symbols
(Tools->AutoCorrect->Localized Options Tab).  But I could not get the
Format->AutoCorrect->Apply to change either the whole doc or a selection. 
Again, this could be /me from user error or from a faulty build, but this
may be another bug: Format->AutoCorrect->Apply not working? for just quotes
or other replacements as well?.   
Did you try erasing the user settings folder to reinit the options

Cédric Bosdonnat
LibreOffice hacker
OOo Eclipse Integration developer


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