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On Fri, 2010-12-17 at 08:14 +0100, Julien Nabet wrote:
Hello Norbert,

I had done a ./g pull -r, I did this again 1 hour ago and I still got 
the same error. (and again, i did a rm -rf unxlng*)
In this specific case, here's what likely happened....

a) and other .ins were changed to set/need the "GPERF"
b) make was run, but configure wasn't run and so the old was
sourced that had on GPERF set (or something like that)
c) The makefile in vcl/unx/source/fontmanager was tweaked to use GPERF
to build a .cpp file at runtime and include it
d) because GPERF wasn't set, an empty file was created, this file was
originally created in solver/330/unxlng*.pro/inc/afm_hash.cpp and so any
tweaking afterwards like rm -rf vcl/unxlng*.pro wouldn't remove it

So, what we've done since then is to...

a) create the generated file in vcl/unxlng*.pro/inc/afm_hash.cpp so that
the "blow away local stuff" works if anything goes wrong there again
b) Tweaked the top level Makefile to now automatically re-run
if the Makefile is older than the .in files, which should mean that a &
b can't happen to anyone again.

If you still have problems I suggest you...

touch && find . -name "afm_hash.cpp" -exec rm {} \;

I have high hopes that with the various tweaks that we won't get too
many build problems like these again and that "make" will generally



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