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On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 11:02 AM, drew <> wrote:
alright so then - taking Carl's ideas and doing a little editing - how
about this:


LibreOffice is (a) Free Open Source suite of office applications,
available for Linux, Mac OSX and Windows.

LIbreOffice is developed and supported by The Document Foundation,
an independent self-governing meritocracy (committed to) focused on delivering
the best document production software to users, on any platform
- period.

Created by leading members of the (OpenOffice) Community,
and building on years of dedicated work within that project,
the Document Foundation was created from the belief that the culture
of an independent foundation brings out the best in contributors
of all types.

LibreOffice (uses the most widely accepted Open Document Format and) includes applications for 
all aspects of document

Writer - word processor
Calc - spreadsheet
Impress - presentations
Draw - graphics
Base - datebase frontend
Math - equation editor

(For more information, please visit <a
href="";>The Document Foundation</a>
or <a href="";>the LibreOffice website</a>.)

We should ask for forgiveness rather than permission on the OpenOffice
vs business, apparently just like Oracle is doing.
I realize that the way I've used Open Document Format is not correct,
but I like the impression it leaves...LibO supports the Open Document
Format. The quasi-monopolist supports a subset of the Office Open XML
format of the Open Document standard.
Not sure that LibreOffice runs on "any platform". Maybe that should be
"all popular platforms" or "cross platform". Not a big deal. It
actually would be a good argument to have...who supports the most

Alright I don't want to make it much if any longer, but I also would like to get something 
explicit in there about ODF
Added the bit about ODF and URLs that someone suggested.

Any good ideas on edits there.

Thanks again


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