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Le 2011-07-10 12:25, Florian Effenberger a écrit :
Hi Marc,

Marc Paré wrote on 2011-07-10 17.14:
I am not sure if this should be taken into account, but, the North
American Community meetings are held every second Monday's of the month
and so far they have centered around 21:00 to 23:00 UTC time.

So, maybe it would make sense to remove, as an option,the second Monday
of the month. Our (NA Community) meeting dates seem to work well with
our group and I see from our list of meeting membership attendees that
many of us would like to attend the regular Marketing meetings as well.
thanks for the note! I plan to send a subsequent poll which week we
should use. We also have alternating SC calls and need to coordinate the
marketing calls so they don't conflict.


Hi Florian

I was thinking about this again today and wonder if it may not be better to first pick on a common day and not worry about the time. We could Doodle the time(s) for the next few confcalls and then settle on an agreed time later. I think it will just be too difficult to get on an agreeable time if you are looking for NA participation or even South American participation. The EU and S/N American time zones are so different.
The NA Community model seems to work well and we are now meeting the 
second Monday of the month and we now have 6 participants (hopefully 
more with future meetings).
I just think looking for a common agreed time will be hard to get as a 
fixed-time agreement.


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