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Right now, I am looking into a company that is doing Polo shirts, with 
embroidered logos, for under $5 each.  I will be buying some for testing 
how good they are, but with a different organization's logo on it.  
These will be for "hand-outs" using an internal raffle, so the low price 
is good.  Hopefully the quality is good.
So, if someone like me would order a number of polo shirts, and other 
items with the LO logo on them, then sells some, WHO is the USA person 
who does the marketing for this region.  Who is "in charge" or tries to 
coordinate the shows that are in this region of the world?
If someone earns money for the USA region with the idea of some of it 
going to USA/Canada marketing, who would be the person that would get 
the money to distribute it towards the marketing costs for the shows and 
events of this region?
Now that there is a donation site being worked on for LO 
[International], I am wondering about regional marketing monies 
donations, when they come.

On 10/03/2011 02:51 AM, Leif Lodahl wrote:
2011/10/3 Florian Effenberger<>


webmaster for Kracked Press Productions wrote on 2011-09-27 15:27:

  ...10 or more people wearing logo shirts with some great phrase
about why you should switch to LO?  People see it and might wonder what
it is and then look it up at home, or come over to talk to one of the
people wearing the shirts.  ..

having merchandise for the team members and for externals to buy is
definitely on the agenda. We have already been looking into shop options,
and having local NGOs producing and selling merchandise materials is also on
our agenda. :)

FYI I have been experimenting a little with  . The site is not public yet, but so far
all revinue goes to the Danish community.

Just takes some time, but definitely is an important part of marketing.



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