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On 24/04/2020 09:47, Mike Kaganski wrote:
On 23.04.2020 17:42, Thorsten Behrens wrote:
Miklos Vajna wrote:
1) Make the warning more visible, i.e. a yellow warning at the end of
configure, that is actually noticed by most people.

2) Make the warning an error in case of release builds (or something
like that).

No objections, but I'd much prefer to have release and normal builds
use the same compiler then. If it's easy to add in VS2019, let's make
it a prerequisite & fail hard otherwise.
But we don't prevent people building using clang/gcc/msvc in general,
regardless of the actual compiler used in release?
I think the situation here is more like external/skia needing a specific 
compiler unrelated to the compiler used for LO itself, similar to how 
some other external projects need a specific build tool unrelated to 
LO's gbuild.  (And where you wouldn't want a release build to use cmake 
but a dev build to uses gbuild for such a project.)


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