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Am 06.04.2016 um 15:36 schrieb John Meyer:

I have a project where I am trying to calculate the total amount of work
hours for a project based upon the timestamp of calls throughout the
day.  The time at which the calls is placed is in hh:mm:ss while the
duration of the call is in decimal time.  I need to take the last call
of the day and add the decimal time to get an accurate shift time.    Do
I just put the hh:mm:ss time in the time function and add that to the
decimal time?


Spreadsheet dates are formatted numbers in unit "Days".
0.0 <==> 00:00
0.25 <==> 06:00 1/4 of a day
0.5 <==> 12:00 1/2 of a day
0.75 <==> 18:00 3/4 of a day
1.0 <==> 24:00 (with number format [HH]:MM)

There is no difference between the day fraction on the left and the
formatted number on the right. Both sides yield the exact same results
for all kinds of calculations and comparisons.
Multiply by 24 in order to convert days to hours and switch to some
decimal format when the result looks wrong.
Number format [HH]:MM displayes hours beyond 24 as full hours. This
number format should be used when you want to express time spans in
hours. A time span of 2 days and 3 hours (value 2.125) formatted as
HH:MM shows 03:00 (the hours at a point of time) whereas [HH]:MM shows

The first method actually calculates the amount of hours, the formatting
solution provides a more adequate representation of time spans without
any conversion.

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