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On 12/7/18 10:15 AM, Andrea Gelmini wrote:
Not sure, but just to spot it to have an experts' clue.

From here:
 msgid "Rounds a number down to the nearest integer."
-msgstr "Ditikologo tsa palo tlase go e e gaufi interger."
+msgstr "Ditikologo tsa palo tlase go e e gaufi integer."
If that is supposed to be Sestswana, then the correct term is "sediriso".

My previous response assumed it was Sesetho.


FWIW, regardless of whether this is Sestwana or Sesotho, the sentence
is, completely unintelligible.  (It is neither bad grammar, nor an
intelligible fusion of the bastardised langauge that is being developed
in South Africa, at the expense of the 13 official languages.Dis 'n

I'm guessing that what I'm seeing here, is a combination of what was
previously translated, alongside whatever auto-translation the L10N
translation toolchain does.


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