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Noel Power wrote:
 b) I also made some changes [one change I made was in ImpCurrencyToString
so I think it makes sense for me to
create the feature branch ( I will do that today )
Understandable, I apologize that I did not separate the core Currency
changes from the string handling 'upgrade'. 
 c) there are some issues to do with stream handling that need
addressing and at least further testing ( in fact I am not even sure
that some of this stuff is needed anymore... but that is another story )
I knew the stream stuff was shaky and also felt it might hardly be used so I
submitted without any direct testing of that I/O.  I am relieved that you
are looking at it.
That test program is fugly but it helped me greatly in nailing down loose
ends in the Currency scaling.  I am glad it is helping you tinker with the
basic core as well.  
Thanks for seriously reviewing the patch set.  

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