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On Apr 13, 2011, at 23:00 , greepoise wrote:

Ok, I have searched around and it appears there is no remedy to this. I
searched and did the jdk/jre downgrade, I also tried the memory options with
no luck. My LibreOffice Base is useless..I am only working with 19,000
rows..even if I delete columns, the 19,000 rows are too much for LibreOffice
to handle. This happens with Ooo as well.. It wouldnt happen with earlier
versions of the forks.. Hmmm      Any other leads???

Is this a case of the java bug?  Do you have 1.6.0_24 as your Jave runtime environment version?  
Something happened with that version and both OOo and LibO base became slower according to messages 
in both here and the OOo user list.

Workaround: remove 1.6.0_24 and install an earlier version if you can get one somewhere.


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