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Hi Wols,

Le 13/12/10 15:05, Wols Lists a écrit :

I've had a reply from him. Sadly he didn't (didn't even say if he could)
relicence it, but he said it was abandonware. It was last worked on
about the time OOo went to 3.0, and sqlite went to 3.0 too. Christian
moved on to the JDBC and ODBC drivers, abandoning the SDBC one. It seems
to be about half v2, half v3 - take your pick of GPL, OOo or sqlite :-)
So that's rather good news either way :-)))

I've seen a couple of things about sqlite *2* that implies it's not a
particularly friendly database. 3 may well be an improvement. But
anyways, once we've got sqlite in place I'm then going to try and write
an engine for LO. That'll be a job-and-a-half! :-)
You might to try and trawl around in the OOo dba-dev mailing lists as to
why it was decided at the time not to use SQLite. Check out Frank
Schönheit's or Ocke Janssen's comments. I seem to recall it had
something to do with not SQLite not lending itself easily to being able
to keep everything in memory and then write an IO stream into and ODF
compatible container. Of course, that was back in the days of SQLite 2
so maybe things have got better :-) Good luck !!!



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