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On 17/01/11 20:18, Michael Meeks wrote:
      Right; that is useful - I guess before killing export, we should export
a load of test documents into those 'orrible formats so we can continue
to regression test import :-)
I knew all those old CDs would come in handy :-)

Just checked my collection and I've got a February 1999 cover disk with
"StarOffice 5 for Linux" on it. I guess we'll need to load an old
version of linux in a VM :-) (although my secondary PC displays 1999 as
the BIOS copyright date) to run it. Haven't got a Windows copy afaict.

Anybody want a copy, send me a private mail ... I know it's a bit dodgy
copyright-wise, but it is for reverse-engineering :-) I haven't tested
the CD so I might end up saying "sorry it's dud" but it's a pristine
silver copy.



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