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Hi Rimas, *

Am 27.01.2011 13:11, schrieb Rimas Kudelis:
I have a few more things on my mind, maybe you could help me with them.
If not, I can probably wait until evening and bug Christian on IRC. :)
1) please put a redirect from to We
already have some content there.

2) can I rename the home page from /home/ to something else?
When you don't use "home" as the url-segment for your
homepage, you need to define your page explicitly as homepage by
filling out the "Homepage for domain...." entry box within the CMS (on
the behaviour tab).

3) is it possible to hide the page identifier from the Home page URL's
(e.g. the LibO logo now links to /home/ instead of just /)?
4) do we really need those title attributes on menu items and site logo?
For me they seem rather superflous. If we can't drop them, I'd like to
at least have them translated.
5) we would like to translate the English strings on the download page.
How do we do that?

6) how do I add a page with the list of international sites? I've added
a Subsiteslist page, but it comes out empty.
You'd need to create a Lithuanian translation of the page on the main
site first and then create a SubsitesVirtual Page on your subsite which
you can link there and translate the content on your subsite.

7) is there any special markup we could use to insert e.g. the
screenshots slider similar to (or actually the same as) the one on 
similarly, if I want to split the page, do I just
copy the code (two divs) from home page?
I think you just copy the class/style into your editor, not sure about
the photoshuffler which might need jquery adjustments...

That's probably about it for now.
Sorry, but pls wait for Christians comments to the other topics.


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