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I use both Windows 10 and Ubuntu Linux.

Yes, I do know that LibreOffice supports the Nigerian Naira Unicode.

The problem is in LibreOffice Calc, the Naira is not available in the currency drop down list.
I am trying to create the XML file for Nigeria similar to Ghana's 
en_GH.xml file.   Line 54 of the Ghanaian en_GH.xml file, has this 
[$₵-637].  This does not match the Unicode for Ghana.

-Olisemeka Omo

On 8/27/2018 12:39 PM, Peter Maunder wrote:
LibreOffice uses Unicode, which supports the Nigerian Naira sign.

Unicode U+20A6 is Nigerian Naira Sign  ₦

Unicode U+20B5 is Ghanaian Cedi   ₵

But the font you use needs to support the sign. For example the Liberation
Sans I am using. And your operating system setup also needs to support your
use of Unicode. You do not state your operating system and language
settings. If you can find the Ghanaian Cedi, you should also have access to
the Naira.

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