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Hi Christina,

On Wednesday, 2013-02-06 13:44:09 +0100, Christina Roßmanith wrote:

-                for (xub_StrLen i = (xub_StrLen)(aStr.Len()-1); i > 0; i++ )
+                for (sal_Int32 i = aStr.getLength()-1; i > 0; i++ )
-                    if ( (aStr.GetChar( i ) >= '0') && (aStr.GetChar( i ) <= '9') )
+                    if ( (aStr[i] >= '0') && (aStr[i] <= '9') )
-                    else if ( aStr.GetChar( i ) == '-' )
+                    else if ( aStr[i] == '-' )
                         bNegative = sal_True;

for (sal_Int32 i = aStr.getLength()-1; i > 0; i++ )

i starts with at least -1 is tested to be non negative and
incremented. Is this code ever used??? Or am I failing to see the
magic behind the scenes?
No, that code doesn't make sense and to me looks it should be

    for (sal_Int32 i = aStr.getLength()-1; i > 0; --i)

Awkward guessing of negative currency formats anyway..
Do you think it is ever used?
It probably is, when a currency amount is entered in such field.

It would be an endless loop, wouldn't it?!?
Not really endless ;-)  in some cases the old code would access invalid
memory and probably bail out earlier..

In other cases we were lucky if aStr ended in a digit or '-'

The question is modify to --i or remove some code.
Changing to --i at least does what the code aimed for, detecting
backwards if a character is digit or '-' for these nFormat values:

+            if ( (nFormat == 3) || (nFormat == 6)  || // $1- || 1-$
+                 (nFormat == 7) || (nFormat == 10) )  // 1$- || 1 $-

I've added them as a comment because the numerical codes for the
various formats are quite non intuitive.
Agreed, it's a legacy from pre-i18n-framework-times and we could have
proper named constants instead.


LibreOffice Calc developer. Number formatter stricken i18n transpositionizer.
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