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Well, I wrote this thread not thinking there would be time for another 
RC version to come out before the launch.  I was wrong. Right now there 
is a version out there for testing.  I had a "bug" going from .2 
to .3 on my Win7 laptop but it did not happen going from 3.6.4 to on an XP laptop.  After some "work", I did the command line 
install again from .2 to .3 and it worked.  The user profile conversion 
is a problem though.  People may need to reinstall all of their 
extensions and/or user information.
But, things are moving along.
4.0.0.x used Persona[s] from Firefox's vast persona gallery. There are some LibreOffice ones in that gallery now.
Right now, I am waiting for the process to finish so the 3.6.5 NA-DVD is 
shown on the DVD download pages.  In a week or so there will be a 
4.0.0.x version there as well.  For those who know me, I normally do not 
try a .0.x version of a new line, OR create a DVD for it.  I waited for 
the 2nd or 3rd update before I did.  Since there is a big push for the 
new 4.0.x line, I decided to test the new line out with its first 
offering and create a NA-DVD for it.
Then there is some interest [again] in a French version of the North 
American . . . project.  It was an original goal to create a version of 
such a DVD for the French and Spanish speaking peoples in North 
America.  Since I only speak English and "computer", I could to work on 
that part of the goal.  The first NA-DVD was created, to a finished 
level, in the summer of 2011.  That seems a long time ago, or just last 
week, to me depending on what I have been doing.
To be honest, I could not have done all of this without the people on 
these lists.  Of course there are those people I bounce things off them, 
offline, to get some ideas fleshed out.
For those who do not "know" me, I was forced to "retire" due to a 
debilitating set of injuries and suffered 2 strokes after that [totaling 
3 so far].  I cannot work on any schedule that would make me enough to 
live off of, according to the "disability judge".  So, I volunteer my 
time, here and locally with an organization dedicated to and for adults 
with disabilities who's mandate it to do community service.  I am now 
the V.Pres. of their board of directors.  My world is based on how much 
I can do before the pain drives me to tears.  So I try to do a little at 
a time to get everything done between "pain management breaks". I am 
dedicated to the TDF/LO cause to the point. . . let us say the only 
thing is stopping me from doing more is the level of pain it causes.
So, to all of us LO volunteers, keep it up.  I will.

On 02/04/2013 12:41 AM, Marc Paré wrote:
Le 2013-02-03 09:36, webmaster-Kracked_P_P a écrit :
On 02/03/2013 08:40 AM, Marc Paré wrote:
Bonjour Fabian,

Le 2013-01-31 08:44, Fabian Rodriguez a écrit :
On 13-01-31 07:39 AM, webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote:
As I said before, I would love to have the NA-DVD 4.0.0 version ready
for the 4.0.0 official release next week.
Excellent, let me know if you need any help. please send a reminder 
to your previous work, perhaps others can pitch in too.

I thought you had at some point created a FR disc. Do you still have
that somewhere? There is also no FR official disk on LibreOfficeBox,
would you consider doing this? Would this be too much work or could we
get someone else from the FR community to join in and help?

If not for the FR team, perhaps a version for the CA-FR market? We
could call ourselves the CA-FR connection, I could see if I could
help? :-)

Tim: BTW ... how much time do you devote to making the EN disc? Not
the extra time that you spend on the dictionaries, but the actual time
to author the disc for a specific version? How much time does it take
from start to finish?

no one had the time to translate the disc to French or Spanish.

If you know of someone who would do that, then it may be easy for me to
do the install modifications without knowing French or Spanish. I just
have to modify the linkswhen the new versions come out.

ANY help is good. Having someone take on the translation to French
Canadian would be great. I can walk someone through the steps of
changing versions and burning a Windows DVD on a Ubuntu system [via K3b]
easy enough.

The only "problem" would be is finding the French documentation to
replace all of the English ones. Also, you will need to replace all of
the extras from the "English only" versions to the ones that have the
"French language" option or is in French to begin with.

For anyone out there who might be thinking about helping with the
translating, look at the online version of the DVD at:
Everything you will find on the DVD media should be shown there, except
some updates that have not been placed on the .iso files[yet]. It takes
so long to upload the .iso file and the "effort" to get it onto the
mirror system, the updates may wait till the next version before you see
it on the .iso file[s]. I have 3.6.5 on that site and the 3.6.5 .iso
file is in the "waiting queue" for the next "push" to the mirror system
which may be waiting for all of the work for the upcoming 4.0.0 release
to be done. I am almostready for the 4.0.0install files to create that
version of the NA-DVD.

For anyone who wants to translate the NA-DVD to any non-English
language, all you have to do is download the .iso file [for all of the
CSS and theme files] and go from there. HTML editor and image editor is
all you may need. I can send you the label background templates and any
other thing I have that might help you do the work.


For the "time" involved . . . Why do you ask? [chuckle, chuckle]


I do some edits of the pages every so often to update the extras or some
other thing. Not much time there on a weekly basis.

For the creation of the .iso file to go from 3.6.4 to 3.6.5 or to 4.0.0,
that is done in the following steps. . .

1] download all of the install files, language packs, and helps packs
that are listed on the install page. Depending on the usage of the
connection to the LO server system, it does not take much time at
allwith cable broadband.

2] edit the install page to update the version number and links to the
new install versions. Most time find/replace in a text editor works fine.
3] edit the "master label" to reflect the new version, or I could just
make one that does not need changing [3.6 instead of 3.6.5]. Replace the
new label in the "artwork" page.

4] burn a test DVD and make sure it works on Windows, since it is
created on a Ubuntu system.

5] if everything looks right, upload the .iso file[s] to a server that
is the one I have access to. Then it will be moved to its mirror
location when the schedule permits it. The uploading take about 9 to 10
hours with my slow upload ability.

The actual "total time" to take my 3.6.4 DVD and convert it to the 3.6.5
version? Well, I got the announcement about 3.6.5 being out at 10 am and
I had the new version ready before noon. The most time used is the
download and upload times. I have tried to make the DVD pages simple
enough to need little time totake it to a new version. There is the time
that I do other modifications and additions. Downloading the updated
documentation and editing its page can take time out of my schedule
every few weeks. Looking for and adding/replacing extra packages to the
"extras" page takes some time, but not much really out of a monthly basis.
I added Artha tothe "extras" page since that wasthe best offline
dictionary - word definition dictionary - and thesaurus free package I
know of for Windows and Linux. If I find anything that would be good to
add, there is a little time there.

BUT, on a whole, there is not much time out of a my monthly schedule to
do the work on the English DVD. A half hour hear, and hour there.

I do want to go through the entire DVD, one day, and do a major update
to the design. New screen clips and text for the different
sections/pages of the DVD could be done. Maybe adding some step-by-step
directions on installing LOas part of the DVD instead of asking the user
to do to the on-DVD PDF documentation provided by our doc team members.
Big things like that are not easy and could take a lot of time. Simple
things like going from 3.6.5 to 4.0.0 does not. All I need it the 4.0.0
install filesand it could be done that same day I download the files.

Thanks for this information, it is really useful.

BTW ... thanks too for taking care of the .iso work all these months. It is really appreciated.

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