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On 03/05/2011 02:53 PM, drew wrote:
On Sat, 2011-03-05 at 14:06 -0500, webmaster for Kracked Press
Productions wrote:
Well, I decided to take the pages for the NA project and run them
through Writer for the spell checking.  When I did the editing of one of
the files, base.html to be exact, and saved it as base-edit.html, ALL of
the nice CSS formatting went away.

So Writer did some "under the hood" changes to the file that messed with
the CSS information.

So I just used the edited text in a cut/paste action to the original
file within Kompozer.  I wish Kompozer would have a working spelling and
grammar checking system for Ubuntu.

Well - no Grammar checker of course, but spell check works just using
gedit under Ubuntu.

Besides wouldn't grammar checkers almost always fail for a web page, as
opposed to writing a text document in a web browser...*smile*.

As for why not Komposer, maybe it is tht K vs G thang, I have no idea,
your right though straight out of the box it doesn't want to work here.

The Kompozer underline misspelled words option check box will not stay checked anymore. So I was thing that I could use Writer editing the text for the mostly text pages.

Myself, I use Writer to write my text and then copy/paste it into my web pages. What I wonder is why Writer changed the "stuff" where the edited page finds the CSS formating information. It is a shame that LibreOffice's page work cannot be dome by LibreOffice, at this point.

Well, looks like I will have to go to a text editor to check the pages for spelling and grammar errors from the German to English translation. I am glad that the people who will be taking the English pages and make the into the other languages can do this without having to deal with translation software. I know only English, so I do not have their abilities.

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