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Hello Issa,

7. 7. 2012 v 8:50, Issa Alkurtass:

My autogen.lastrun was:
I think you need to explicitely build for i386, that is, to specify in the configure (or autogen) 
command this at the end, just like you specify --disable-mozilla etc.:

./configure ...other options... CC="gcc -arch i386" CXX="g++ -arch i386"

or if you wish to build with clang:

./configure ...other options... CC="clang -arch i386" CXX="clang++ -arch i386"

Both of the build errors you mention are from my experience because 64-bit binary gets built where
32-bit is expected (or vice versa). At least my experience with Xcode 4.3.3.

Also note that AFAIK LO is not 64-bit-capable on Mac ATM, so you *have* to build it for 32-bit
to get anything meaningful.



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