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On Tuesday 18 of January 2011, Kohei Yoshida wrote:
I am a bit tempted to make calling of EarlyCommandLineArgsPrepare()
platform independent just so that we can remove that #ifdef UNX guard
around it.  Is there any objection for doing so? :-)
 Not from me, but the cli arguments handling was #ifdef UNX even before my 
patch for whatever reason, and I don't know the reason.

Since the 
application service manager must be created at some point during the
startup, I don't think creating it early would impact startup
performance or cause any other issues.  The only thing I may be
concerned about is some weird crash-on-exit bug that depends on the
order of creation of global static objects...
 I think the change shouldn't change anything in this regard, as it's simply 
moving the creation forward in code that's irrelevant for it, but I'm not 
familiar with those areas of LO yet, so I can't say for sure.

 Lubos Lunak


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