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Den lör 15 juni 2024 kl 16:36 skrev Curtis Tarazi <>:

Hello Libreoffice,

This email is not meant to complain, I am a user of your suite, and I love
all the applications you can use, and that they are all free. I see all the
effort that all the creators put in, and I love libre office. I recommend
it to other people as well.

I think most people reading this are just users just like you and me, so
it's not ”our suite”. You can request new features where bugs are filed,
there's information about that somewhere at

I use Libreoffice calc, and it is almost as good as excel.

Very subjective. For me it's the other way around. Excel is missing some
essential features that I need from time to time, so it's all depending on
what you want to do with it. They are both missing features that the other
one has, and some features are better implemented in one of them than the
other and so on.

There is an important feature missing however that I would like to request
that you add. In excel you can make tables, and they are the same
throughout all the sheets. You can use them in drop down lists, and other
stuff. It is a very useful feature, and it's the only thing I think is
missing in calc that could make it better than excel.

What are they called in Excel? Just ”tables”? I don't think I ever saw them
and I use Excel at work every day.

So if you read this email, and even take it into consideration for the
next update, I will grateful. I think many other users will be as well.

I'm not so sure many developers read this, but a few might, I guess.

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

Thank you for the amazing office suite that you have provided us with for

Kind regrads and gratitude,

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