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Hey Jesso,

2012/6/23 Jesso Murugan <>:
Hi Philipp,

You are correct!

I was reading the file, following some bug, and found myself
translating the comments to understand what's going on and
so I thought I'd just send the resulting file across ;) . By the way,
no offense taken. I'll check the Easy Hacks.

And, Google Summer of Code ideas seem pretty interesting
too, so do you recommend me checking that (after an easy hack
or two), or is it just reserved for just the participants of GSoC?
Start with small tasks and pick bigger ones as soon as you find
yourself confident in an area. I think this "folk wisdom" is also true

I just know that the GSoC projects are bigger and need more indepth
knowledge. So they are not a good starting point. In addition, there
is currently a GSoC running - so some of the tasks might be in
progress. Would be frustrative if you just duplicate work of someone
else, even if it has a great learning effect...

(I am an Indian programmer, currently in Saudi Arabia, so that's the
reason behind the email and the blog.)

- Jesso Clarence

On Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 1:06 PM, Philipp Riemer <>
I think, I found your blog and it states that you are from India.
Phew, now I am confuesed ;-) But I also shows your general interest in
programming, so maybe you would consider reporting bugs of LibreOffice
or help on other topics as an alternative? Checkout
I am pretty sure that there will be something interesting for you!


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