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On 04/29/2013 05:10 PM, Dave Liesse wrote:
I'll admit to not using styles, but not so much because I don't want to. I've been using the various word processing programs since PCs were first produced, before the concept of styles. They came out shortly after, of course, but they got little or no attention in the limited technical press that I followed at the time. By the time they were in widespread use, I was pretty well entrenched in my ways.
I've tried reading the documentation on them, but (a) I never have the 
time to sit down and actually learn them and (b) the documentation 
isn't all it could be -- this goes for MS as well as OO/LO.  The 
biggest problem I've had, and I still don't know the answer, is how to 
actually save the styles so they're available for any document.  I 
don't like any of the defaults, but don't see the point of creating a 
style that is usable only in one document, so I just do all the 
hard-formatting I need (which may take up more disk space, but it's 
also a lot more flexible as far as I can tell).
I'm slowly catching on, but it's going to be a while.
Have you read chapter 3, Using Styles and Templates, of the Getting Started Guide? It was written using a template containing all the styles that were needed. I use the same template to write several chapters of the Base Guide. It also contains what I need even though the topics are vastly different.

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