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Hi :)
Does Chapter 10 in the "Getting Started" guide help at all?

Hopefully someone else can give a more tailored answer or maybe just ask
the right questions in order to incover the answer.
Good luck and regards from
Tom :)

On 23 October 2014 05:12, David Love <> wrote:

Using LO v4.2.6.3 on LinuxMint v17 Qiana MATE.

I have two email clients on the computer.  Thunderbird, which is set up
for my wife's  use, and MessengerPro which I use.

LO has been set up to point to MessengerPro </usr/local/bin/messengerpro>
for sending documents by email but does not honour that path, inasmuch as
it opens Thunderbird each time.

My wife does not have a user account on the computer and I have not set
one up as it would confuse her.  She only uses the computer for email,
browsing the internet and playing card games.

LinuxMint Control Panel contains a Preferred Applications facility but the
only choices in Email are Thunderbird and KMail.

Is anyone able to suggest how I may solve the problem, please?

David Love
Divorce, n. The past tense of marriage

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