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Hi there,

On Tue, 2011-03-29 at 14:05 -0300, saito wrote:
Here is a list of files that are not supposed to have executable bit
set on Unix/Linux.
        Great; so I cleaned it up a bit more - the files are build
intermediates that are not in git; I removed .bat and .btm files from
the list (perhaps that exec bit helps for them on Windows).

It is ordered by extension and is just a filtered list from the output
of the tool I have sent before.
        Yep; otherwise, this was ideal - I batched these up into groups, and
pushed ~10k file executable bits removals in your name :-)

        That leaves under two thousand left; it might be nice to manually check
& re-visit these extensions to ensure that there are none that truly
need a executable bit set, and send a cleaned up and updated list (?)

        Thanks ! :-)


--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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